
How breakfast can help you lose weight
You’ve probably heard this a hundred times – eating breakfast helps you lose weight. And it’s absolutely true. However, one of the leading bad eating habits of our time is skipping breakfast – and, aside from a whole host of other problems it can lead to, that habit will definitely cause you to gain a few pounds. Another bad habit is bingeing on breakfast – huge stacks of buttery pancakes, bacon, and so on. Those definitely aren’t foods to help you lose weight! We’re here to tell you exactly how to get that weight-loss bonus.
Eat breakfast on time everyday
Ideally, you should eat within one hour of waking up, and before 10 am. Eating early keeps your blood sugar and insulin stable and kick-starts your metabolism for the day. If you wait too long to eat, you’re also more likely to pick higher-calorie, lower-nutrient foods because you’re starving and are starting out with the cravings!
Eat after you exercise
A high-fat, high-calorie breakfast is a great choice after you’ve exercised! That’s when you burn the most calories, and you’ll need a good strong dose of energy after you’ve exerted yourself. Make sure to eat something small, like a piece of fruit, before exercising so you don’t feel faint!
Eat a protein-rich breakfast
Eating lots of proteins for breakfast can help curb your appetite and the urge to snack later in the day! Studies have proven this, and even showed that people who ate a protein-packed breakfast showed less mental activity in response to pictures of food shown later on. Eating a high protein breakfast stimulates the secretion of gut hormone Peptide YY, which leads to an increased feeling of fullness. You could get your proteins from eggs, meat, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, nuts or soy. Protein in the morning helps you start your day feeling active, both mentally and physically.
Get a dose of oatmeal
Oatmeal is a fabulous breakfast item. Oats contain beta-glucan, a fibre shown to help lower cholesterol if eaten often. They’re also rich in folate, potassium and Omega-3s. They’re full of fibre, and really help reduce snacking through the day! Choose steel-cut oats over rolled oats or the flavoured varieties (which can be packed with sugar, outweighing the benefits).
The ideal breakfast would be two scrambled eggs, a small bowl of oatmeal, and some fruit! Try to avoid eating toast everyday, and when you do, make sure it’s whole wheat and no more than two slices. So tell us – are you going to start eating breakfast again?