
The best New Year resolutions and how to keep them
Happy New Year! Pack away your Christmas decks and pull out that old yoga matt, it’s time to work on your New Year’s resolutions! Every year people make resolutions they rarely keep. Lose weight, read more, take time for family. They are all great resolutions but there is just one problem with them; they aren’t measurable. If you really want to stick to your resolutions you need to create one that’s a bit more detailed. Here’s how.
Lose weight – Exercise twice a week and eat a low carb diet
Instead of the vague “lose weight’ resolution, create one like “run twice a week and avoid eating high-carb dinners”. Break down the resolution into manageable sections. This way you have two small aims instead of one overwhelming one. If you don’t want to join a gym, and a lot of people don’t, give YouTube workout tutorials a go. They’re free and can be done in the comfort of your own home. In terms of diet, small changes can make a big difference. Instead of eating full-fat pasta for dinner, opt for our Slim Pasta Penne. It has zero carbs, 9 calories, and is 100% fat-free.Stop procrastinating – Set aside time each week
Did you make a resolution last year that you failed to keep? It’s okay, it happens to the best of us. To avoid this happening in 2018, set aside an hour each day or week to check in with your resolution. If you’re on track with your resolution then take this hour to congratulate yourself by having some time doing something you enjoy.