
The ready meal you’ve been looking for
Many of you have been supplementing your diets with our easy to use range (yep, those easy-to-use packets of pasta, noodles and rice). With almost unbelievably low calorie counts, we know they seem like a dream come true to quite a few people – especially those who adore carb-heavy meals. And the best part is that you can have them with your favourite pasta sauces, gravies, soups, or stir-fries. So why have we introduced ready meals now? Well, definitely not to replace our easy to use range, but to answer a different need. All you busy folks who don’t have time to make and pack yourselves lunches, but just grab a snack out of a vending machine or a Tesco’s shelf whenever you find time? This one’s for you. Just as easy to access, and it keeps you full without harming your body with large quantities of sugar, oils or preservatives. There are plenty of ready meals in the market, but none quite like ours. For example, we doubt other 350g ready meals can claim to have less calories than the average 35g packet of crisps! Slim Pasta Spaghetti Arrabbiatta contains just 114 calories, while Spaghettis Mediterranea and Bolognese contain 119 and 259 calories respectively. The best part, of course, is that just like our easy to use range, they contain next to no carbs and sugars – making them safe for EVERYONE. Weight-watchers, diabetics, coeliacs – even just the health conscious who wish to eschew preservatives and unnecessary sugars – you’re going to love our ready meals! We made them for you.