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Ken Livett

Ken Livett

From my past experience as a successful personal trainer, working with clients of all ages, religions, and lifestyles, I realised that the biggest barrier to healthy living is not exercise – it is, in fact, our diet and the availability of healthy food, which is not easily available as it should be. I now bring healthy eating and Bulletproof Coffee to the high street, while also running a healthy living fat loss group – bringing in real advice from education and experience to help break bad habits and create good habits while losing some fat and toning up at the same time.
What is your current goal?
I’m working on a book which coincides with my healthy living group, whilst at the same time pushing awareness of my brand Frais and investigating expansion locally and overseas.
What is your proudest achievement?
Opening Frais Healthy Eating, making healthy eating easily available on the high street.
What is a typical day’s diet?
I stay in shape best on a high-fat diet. I start every day with a Bulletproof Coffee, followed by salmon and eggs. A piece of fresh fruit as a snack is never a bad thing – usually, I reach for an apple as it contains pectin. Pectin limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb, which always helps! Lunch will be a mixed bean salad with a fresh juice, the “Eye Opener” – a combination of carrot, ginger, and mint for example. A green tea mix with a fresh protein ball is my afternoon snack and dinner consists of chicken and mixed greens or some Slim Pasta with mixed nuts to snack on before bed.
How would you motivate someone to live a healthy lifestyle?
Motivation isn’t permanent, but accomplishments and self-pride can be – you need to show people their true worth. Once they see that their hard work is paying off, all you need to do is guide them on their path – as opposed to leading.
Why the Slim foods range?
I discovered the Slim range recently, whilst exploring the internet for an alternative gluten-free pasta. With its the low carb content, it is the perfect accompaniment for dinner time – a welcome break from the usual suspects.
Favorite Slim foods range?
Slim Pasta Spaghetti – it’s good hot or cold!