
Food Facts, Fads, Fantasy
Healthy eating has become somewhat of a top-of-mind thing in our times. We are constantly besieged with information that often times hinges on subjective claims, or seemingly simplistic solutions that claim to keep you slim, active, and energetic. Amidst this info-deluge, what separates the facts, fads and fantasy from pure fiction. Here are a few pointers to give you a framework of reference.
For starters, a raw food diet suggests that cooking food destroys nutrients. People who follow this diet generally should get ready to spend hours juicing, blending, dehydrating, sprouting, germinating, cutting, chopping, and re-hydrating.
Those on a cabbage soup diet, promotes the idea that the liquid will keep you full; and since cabbage/veggies are low cal foods, they will help in weight loss. Reality byte -how long can you really eat cabbage soup for all three meals. C’mon, let’s get honest here.
The time-tested plan however, that most experts agree on as being practical and beneficial, is basic healthy eating. Proponents of this diet encourage people to eat a variety of foods, indulge in as few processed foods as possible, and scrimp on salt and refined sugar.
Other health eating tips include, planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. Here’s some sound advice to consider:
Simplify. Instead of obsessing over calorie count or measuring portion sizes, how about a perspective that takes into consideration colour, variety, and freshness? This makes it easier to choose healthy, focus on finding foods you love, and easy recipes that include fresh ingredients. Your diet will graduate to becoming healthier and more delicious.
Start slow, change your eating habits gradually. Making your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or terribly smart. Drastic changes usually leads to cheating or throwing in the towel on your new eating plan. Take small steps, e.g. adding a salad made up of different coloured veggies to your diet, or switch from butter to olive oil when cooking. Your small changes will eventually become a habit; which will encourage you to continue effecting healthier changes to your diet.
Focus on your feelings after eating. Focusing on whether we’re feeling lighter, heavier, or somewhere in between after eating, will healthy new habits and tastes. The healthier you eat, the better you’ll probably feel after a meal. The junkier you eat, the more uncomfortable, nauseous, or drained of energy, you’re probably going to feel.
Every healthy food change you make matters. Attempting to be Mr. or Ms. Perfect Diet is an atrocious goal. On the other hand, completely eliminating foods you enjoy is not realistic. In the long term, feeling good, having more energy, and reducing the risk of cancer and disease, are great goals to have.
Think smaller portions. With portion sizes expanding, particularly in restaurants, choosing a starter instead of an entree, splitting a dish with friends, or carrying home food you don’t feel like eating at the moment are great ideas. Using smaller plates at home <>, serving sizes in realistic portions, and starting small, are great concepts to begin with. Should you feel unsatisfied at the end of a meal, try adding more leafy green vegetables or substituting dessert with a fruit.
Get off classifying some foods as “off-limits.” Foods or food groups that you ban, drive you to desire those foods even more? Once you then indulge in them, guilt kicks in. If you’re drawn towards sweet, salty, or unhealthy foods, begin by reducing portion sizes, or not eating them as often. If your diet is generally healthy, indulging in a burger and fries once a week, probably won’t affect you too much. Or to push the argument further, eating junk food about once a month, will have even less of an impact. Reducing your intake of unhealthy foods, would eventually lead to craving them less, or thinking of them as occasional indulgences.
Grocery store shopping can be an overwhelming experience. So is preparing meals at home. Take the stress out of eating, by designing menus that are filled with fresh vegetables, portion controlled meats, carbs, and fats, and plenty of variety.
Long story short, develop a diet that can be maintained for life. Don’t make healthy eating about ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. Quit feeling guilty about the foods you love; eat them in moderation and choose other foods to balance the diet ’naughtiness’; and increase the range to include those that are important to good health.
At Eat Water, we are passionate about making healthy eating more convenient for our customers. We offer various natural & organic alternatives made from Konjac, including Slim Noodles, Slim Pasta, and Slim Rice. For centuries, Japanese people have relied on konjac, a plant that offers a one-of-a-kind, low-calorie, fat-free, and gluten-free foundation for tasty and comforting meals.
With us, experience how simple it is to add Konjac's health advantages to your daily lives. Eat Water provides a means to eat the food you love while still sticking to your health goals, whether you're an experienced health enthusiast or just getting started. We believe healthy eating should be fun, flavourful, and accessible for everyone.